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$100 Value
Scroll to discover our different types of videography services
Real Estate
Show off the best aspects of the property you are listing.
Attract more views by advertising your vehicle for sale with a video or show off your ride on social media.
Let us show the world just how amazing your business is.
Action Sports
You have worked hard to get to where you are! Why not use a video to get a sponsor?
Real Estate Video Benefits
- Run stop worthy, eye catching ads on social media.
- Acheive thousands of views on your property.
- Allow clients/customers to see your property online.
- Show off amenities, views, rooms, and property location.
- Provide indication of property lines.
Why video your Real Estate?
Sell or showcase your real estate on a whole new level. Real estate videography breaks through the typical marketing process and allows your property to stand out from the rest. Flashy yard signs and flyers are a thing of the past. Let’s face it, the internet is where most of us go to shop for anything. People would rather do the research and look at houses on the internet first before they spend the time to check them out in person or do a walk through.
Stand out from other Realtors!
People are naturally visual. When it comes to real estate videos, future customers/clients will be able to get a feel of the home. Seeing amentaties, room sizes, property lines, views and the flow of the house. It is truly the best way to show off the home aside from getting them in there to do a walk through. Real estate videos are a 24/7 open house. It’s the smart way to get the maximum amount of views on your real estate while not breaking the bank.
According to a statistic done by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 73% of people searching for a realtor to sell their home are more likely to choose someone that will market their home with video. Yet only 5% of realtors do this! The time is now to propel your selling tactics from the past to the present. Simply let us know the key points you want us to showcase and we will make a high quality video for you. We film in 4K and use Drone Aerial Videography to make the property you are showcasing soar over your competitors.
Vehicle Video Benefits
- Increses exposure of vehicle to thousands of people. Not just the ones that drive by.
- Show in detail the quality and condition of the vehicle.
- Boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings. This helps you get to the top of Google search.
- Decreases the amount of time a vehicle sits on the lot.
Market Your Vehicles Like No One Else In The Black Hills
Vehicle videography is a sure way for your vehicle to stand out from the rest online. Thousands of cars in the Black Hills are for sale online. Videos show off how the vehicle starts, looks, and drives. It’s like your own personalized car commercial ready to be marketed on social media! Your car, truck, or SUV will sell so much faster and people will be more likely to buy it sight unseen and drive miles for it if they can see the quality of the ride before they drive to pick it up! No one else in the Black Hills is producing videos like this! Don’t just sit around with your vehicle parked on the side of the road waiting for it to sell.
Business & Political Video Benefits
- Describe your product or service in great detail.
- Run better performing ads on social media.
- Give your sales pitch while keeping peoples attention.
- Let your loyal customers give you a video testimonial.
Your Business Needs a Commercial to Show off your Product or Service!
Get your sales pitch in while showing the genuine nature of you and your people. A budget commercial for your business is one of the most beneficial pieces of content you can put out there. It opens your customers eyes to all the great things your business has to offer, instilling confidence in them. We can design a video that is attractive, upbeat, and informational. Because we are use to being on the go we can go anywhere! If you have a loyal customer that wants to give you a video endorsement we can go there no problem.
Action Sports Video Benefits
- Show off your talet to potential sponsors.
- High quality content for social media.
- Not just on the ground but an aerial view of what you do.
- Documetation of the awesome things you have done.
Show off your talent to the world!
Whether it’s Bull Riding, Motocross, Mountain Biking, Team Sports, or a Sport a high quality video of how great you really are can be the one thing you have needed to propel yourself to the next level! Maybe you just want a video to show the progress your kid has made in their sport to the world. We have the experience and equipment to produce an entertaining video that will be shared by multiple people in your circle.
Videography Pricing
Our rates are low to ensure that you receive the biggest return on investment your marketing budget allows. Every home or property is unique and will be priced accordingly. Our videography services are only $50/Hr. We can give you the raw footage or edit it down like the videos above. Every job is different, give us a call to get a quote on whatever videography service you might need!
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